How can you support the Foundation?
Volunteer your time and expertise
There are opportunities for you to use your talents and time to support the Foundation. The work of the Foundation is done at the committee level, so review theinformation on each committee outlined below to help you decide where your interests and talents best fit, and volunteer as a committee member.

Volunteer your time and expertise
There are opportunities for you to use your talents and time to support the Foundation. The work of the Foundation is done at the committee level, so review theinformation on each committee outlined below to help you decide where your interests and talents best fit, and volunteer as a committee member.

Volunteer your time and expertise
There are opportunities for you to use your talents and time to support the Foundation. The work of the Foundation is done at the committee level, so review theinformation on each committee outlined below to help you decide where your interests and talents best fit, and volunteer as a committee member.

Personalized Paver Brick
We sell custom engraved bricks that are installed at the McCormick Middle School entrance. Bricks can be purchased all year round and are ideal gifts for birthdays, reunions, achievements, honorariums, retirements, teacher gifts, memorials and family legacies.
Online Gifting
Make a tax-deductible donation to help underwrite student scholarships and grants submitted by teachers and staff. Gifts of any amount are greatly appreciated. If you would like your contribution to be designated to a specific grant, scholarship or fund please contact us once you have made your online gift.

Volunteer Time and Expertise
There are opportunities for you to use your talents and time to support the Foundation. The work of the Foundation is done at the committee level, so review the information on each committee outlined below to help you decide where your interests and talents best fit, and volunteer as a committee member.
AmazonSmile Program
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, and Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the HEF.
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device and select Huron Educational Foundation as the charity you want to support. You may also want to add a bookmark to AmazonSmile to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.

Sponsor Huron Educational Foundation Events
Show your support for the Huron Educational Foundation and write it off on your taxes too. If you would like to be considered for any sponsorship opportunities for future Huron Educational Foundation events, email or call us and we will contact you to get your information and answer any questions you may have.

Planned Giving
With a planned gift to the Huron Educational Foundation, you can combine your desire to give with your overall financial, tax, and estate planning goals. Planned giving gives you a special connection with the Huron Educational Foundation. You will help ensure children in your Huron community receive an education — for now and for years to come.